Becoming a member

Become part of the Fédération Française de la Parfumerie Sélective (French Federation of Selective Perfumery)!
As a professional organisation, the FFPS aims to bring together and represent its members in order, first, to defend their interests with stakeholders (public authorities, employee unions, elected representatives, selective media) and, secondly, to provide them with the services they need to expand their activities.
The FFPS takes action in 4 areas in particular:
- Social, by negotiating the new collective agreement and monitoring legal;
- regulatory developments (VEBR) in France and Europe, whereby it defends the Exemption Regulation.
- Economic, by tracking the market’s performance.
- Institutional, by maintaining relations with stakeholders across the profession.
These areas are addressed by committees and working groups composed of voluntary members.
By subscribing to the FFPS, you will enjoy regular information, tailored to your profile, in particular on the exercise of your profession day-by-day, and advice, particularly in labour law. You will also have the opportunity to participate in and contribute to the Federation’s activities by becoming part of its bodies.
Who is eligible?
Any selective distribution company in the retail trade of perfumery, beauty, toiletries and hygiene products, or cosmetics, whatever its legal form, is eligible to join the FFPS.
If you wish to become a member of the FFPS and if you meet the conditions. Just send us an email by clicking on the button below: